Currently we have 3 apartments, 2 townhomes and one house up for rent. You can find them all on Rentalhouses.

Of the apartments, two are one-bedrooms downtown near Sacred Heart Church in the area of Arizona and Union St. Both of them are available for $499.
The other apartment is a nice two-bedroom in Downtown Noblesville. All have wood laminate floors and tiled baths.
The townhomes are on 10th St in Noblesville, and are available for sale, rent, or lease option. They are 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2500 square foot lovelies, and are situated right across the street from a park.
The house is a 3 bedroom, 1 bath ranch in a fairly quiet neighborhood near 21st and Ritter. The yards are a little larger in this area,

which seems to attract fewer problem tenants. (Is there a correlation between lawn-mowing and problem tenants? Where is the research??) The house is currently occupied, and we require a two-day notification before showings, so if you know someone who is interested, let them know to plan ahead!
As always, if you are interested in any of these rentals, or would like to purchase one of these buildings from us, please don't hesitate to call us at 317-410-3977. If you don't get us, leave a message. We do call back!
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